Talent Contest/ Fun Night  

Fun Night      

This year's Fun Night theme is "Houston, we have a problem! Texas FFA in Space" Come dressed in your best space gear! Some examples: Aliens, Space Cowboy, Galaxy, or Out of this World! Get creative! 

Fun night dress code:
- Males must wear shirts with sleeves.
- Attire may not contain indecent or improper messages (alcohol, tobacco, sexual references, etc.)
- No low-cut shirts or tops, bare midriffs, strapless or thin-strapped shirts are allowed.
- Shirts must cover the entire stomach, shoulders, chest and back.
- Sleeves must be at least two inches in width (about 3 fingers).
- Shorts, dresses, and skirts must be no higher than fingertip length when arms are at side and no saggy pants allowed.

Talent Contest      

Talent Contest Rules

1. Each area may send one talent team to the state talent contest. The respective area teacher coordinator must properly certify each team.

2. Each team will be allowed a maximum of EIGHT minutes to perform. The stopwatch will begin when the performance of the talent team starts (i.e. singing, playing, etc.) The stopwatch will run throughout the performance and end when the talent team is completely finished.

3. One state talent team winner will be selected by plurality vote. Each delegate votes only once for two contestants.

4. Talent team members must be enrolled in high school and be a member of the FFA at the time of the district level election. All team members must be currently enrolled in an agriscience course at the time of the district election or have been enrolled in an agriscience course during the current school year.

5. No additions may be made to talent teams after the district election; however, qualified substitutions will be permitted.

6. Order of performance will be determined prior to the talent contest at the rehearsal.

7. Talent teams will have a chance to rehearse on-stage prior to the state contest. (Time of rehearsal will be limited by the time in between each session.)

8. FFA Official Dress is NOT required while performing in the state talent contest. The following standards of dress will be enforced:
a. No clothing with obscene or suggestive lettering or pictures
b. No clothing with beer, alcoholic beverage, drug, violence and/or sex promotions
c. No see-though shirts, blouses or shorts
d. No blouses or shirts that expose the midriff
e. Dresses, skirts, slits in dresses and shorts must be no shorter than extended finger length.
f. Other items not listed, but considered to be inappropriate will not be allowed. Decisions concerning dress by the contest chairperson are final. Contestants are encouraged to discuss clothing which may be questionable with the contest chairperson during rehearsal.

9. No vulgar, profane, or inappropriate language will be tolerated. Reference to alcohol, drugs, violence or sex, will not be tolerated. Decisions concerning lyrics by the contest committee are final. Contestants are encouraged to discuss lyrics which may be questionable with the contest before or during the talent meeting. All lyrics must be sent to TexasFFATalent@gmail.com for committee review.

10. There will be no derogatory references -- nothing in the songs or performance -- related to race, color, creed, or sex. No vulgar language or actions will be tolerated.

11. Prior to the contest during convention week, contestants are not to stage performances, whether they be arranged or spontaneous in nature, outside of the scheduled performance and practice times. Violators will be disqualified.

12. No contestant or group will be allowed to leave the stage during their performance.

June 4th, 2024 @ 4:00PM

**all contestants and one advisor are required to attend this meeting. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please contact Mr. Martine @ texasffatalent@gmail.com**

Talent Registration Form & Important Dates      
Please see the talent registration form, below. All talent teams (one per area) should complete the Google Form NO LATER THAN 5:00 PM ON FRIDAY MAY 24, 2024. Only teams that have been selected and advanced from the area level may register.

2024 Talent Registration Form

Due Friday, June 14 by 5 pm: 
1. Lyrics must be submitted in Word or Google Doc to texasffatalent@gmail.com
2. Texas FFA Talent Rules signed by each member of the team, parent, and advisor and scanned to texasffatalent@gmail.com
3. Any accompanying music

NameDate AddedSize
2024 Talent Memo 4/4/2024 274 KB
Talent Contest Rule Acknowledgement 2/1/2023 135 KB