Advisor Updates  
  Texas FFA Convention Updates: Weather Update #2  
  Jay Newton  7/6/2024 3:44:00 PM  

**This email is sent to all Advisors in the Texas FFA Roster System***

Please do not reply directly to this email. Complete Staff contact information can be found here.

Copies of past staff emails can be found on your chapter dashboard within your Texas FFA Roster Account.


Statement from Houston First Corporation to Texas FFA Attendees


“Houston First is working closely with Texas FFA and our local hospitality partners to ensure the safety and security of guests arriving for the state convention. We are also in constant communication with City of Houston officials regarding preparations and forecasts ahead of Beryl. The latest forecast indicates the storm will come ashore near Rockport, Texas on the state’s central coast. That would mean heavy rains for Central Houston but not hurricane or tropical storm force winds. We are confident in our ability to maintain the safety of guests at the George R. Brown Convention Center and our facilities. As always, attendees should monitor the forecast of the storm and be prepared to alter plans as necessary. We will also continue to update Texas FFA officials with any new information we have, and we look forward to welcoming you to Houston.”


Advisors, members, and stakeholders, 


Our communication plan involves regular updates via email and social media. We understand your anticipation for news, but please know how difficult it would be to communicate with every advisor, parent, and member who has questions at this time. We are committed to keeping you informed of any changes and respect your need to stay updated. 


We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers as you, too, make difficult decisions surrounding the safety of your students. Texas FFA is a wonderful organization because of its members, advisors, parents, and stakeholders. Regardless of what happens over the next few days, your actions will continue to positively impact this incredible organization, helping it thrive, grow, and provide impactful opportunities to students. In times like this, I hope we all realize our ability to be both discerning and kind while keeping in mind that there are perspectives we may not be privileged to. You all are the difference makers—instances such as this test our ability to remain positive and influential in times of uncertainty. I encourage us all to be the best version of ourselves and model that ability to our 177,018 Texas FFA members. 


While we realize it’s not ideal, if your chapter cannot safely attend the convention, please consider tuning in to the live stream or watching the session videos on the convention website. 



Jennifer Jackson