Advisor Updates  
  Texas FFA Convention Updates: Weather Update #3  
  Jennifer Jackson  7/6/2024 9:39:00 PM  

**This email is sent to all Advisors in the Texas FFA Roster System***

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Due to the forecast and its impact on the ability of some to travel safely to Houston and to communicate changes promptly, Texas FFA has determined that we will move the Business Session to Wednesday, July 10, after Session 2. The business session will remain closed. Delegates who checked in for Session 2 will stay the delegates for the business session. This decision significantly affects the amount of time we have for a business session, and there is no time built into the schedule for an extension;  efforts to be dilatory are discouraged. As previously encouraged,  take this time to thoroughly review the delegate packet with your students before arrival.


If you have questions or concerns about the decisions surrounding the business session, feel free to reach out to a staff member or board member after the convention, and we will entertain any opportunity to walk you through conversations and considerations that resulted in these decisions. At this time, our focus will continue to be the safety and experience of our attendees. 


Due to the nature of the events and the feasibility of making adjustments at this late hour, this is the only schedule change at this time. We will continue to monitor the weather and keep you informed should this change. Staff will be available to check in chapters with STAR and Agriscience Fair students when they arrive on Monday. 


Thank you for being flexible and patient as we work to find solutions that benefit everyone. We look forward to welcoming you safely to Houston. 



Jennifer Jackson